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IEEE Services

  1. 2025, International Advisory Committee, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) Asia
  2. 2023-to date Member, PELS Education initiative, under VP Global Relations
  3. 2023-2025, Member at Large, IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS)
  4. 2024 Technical Program Committee Chair, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  5. 2023 General Chair, IEEE Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems Conf., Shanghai, China
  6. 2018-to date  IEEE Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems Conference
  7. 2024 IEEE International Conference on DC Microgrid
  8. 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
  9. 2024 Technical Program Committee Chair, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  10. 2022 International Advisory Committee Member, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
  11. 2022 Invited Speaker, Special Session on Power Electronic Technologies for Distributed Energy Resources chaired by the IEEE PELS President Liuchen Chang
  12. 2022 Co-Chair (along with Alan Mantooth and Frede Blaabjerg), Special Session on Cybersecurity for Power Electronics, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  13. 2021 Session Chair for SiC Devices, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference
  14. 2021-2023, Regional Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Power (Electronics Society
  15. 2021-2022, Vice Chair, Technical Committee on Control and Modeling of Power Electronics, IEEE Power Electronics Society
  16. 2021, Chair, IEEE Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG 2021)
  17. 2020-to date, Working-Group-1 Co-Chair, IEEE International Technology Roadmap of Power Electronics for Distributed Energy Resources (ITRD)
  18. 2020-2022, Member-at-Large, IEEE Power Electronics Society
  19. 2020 Guest Editor-in-Chief, JESTPE Special Issue on Sustainable Energy through Power-Electronic Innovations in Cyber-Physical Systems
  20. 2020 Chair, Special Session on Sustainable Energy Systems and Energy Sustainability
  21. 2019 Chair, Session on Power-electronic innovations for energy storage, IEEE Future of Electronic Power Processing and Conversion (FEPPCON)
  22. 2019 Chair, Special Session on Sustainable Energy Systems and Energy Sustainability, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  23. 2019 Editor at Large, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
  24. 2019 TPC Chair, First IEEE Decentralized Energy Access Solutions (DEAS′19) Workshop, Atlanta, USA
  25. 2019 Chair, Special Session on Sustainable Energy Systems and Energy Sustainability
  26. 2019 Tutorial Chair, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  27. 2019 TPC Chair for the First (2019) IEEE Decentralized Energy Access Solutions (DEAS′19) Workshop, Puerto Rico, USA
  28. 2018-to date Regional Director of North America, IEEE Empowering Billion Lives
  29. 2018 Steering Committee Member, 2nd IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition, Shenzhen, China
  30. 2018 Chair, IEEE ECCE 2018 Special Session on Sustainable Energy Systems and Energy Sustainability
  31. 2017 Invited Participant for the Solid Station Power Substation Roadmap Workshop hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy
  32. 2017- Guest Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Power Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems and Energy Sustainability
  33. 2017 Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
  34. 2017 Editorial Board Member, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
  35. 2016 Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Special Issue on Sliding Mode Control and Observation for Complex Industrial Systems
  36. 2016 Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Power SoC
  37. 2016 Invited IEEE PELS Distinguished Lectures at ABB (USA), National University of Singapore (Singapore), and Vellore Institute of Technology (India)
  38. 2016 Attended along with PELS President IEEE Billion Smiles Smart Village Workshop of PELS on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems for Rural Electrification at Georgia Tech, USA
  39. 2016 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  40. 2016 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems
  41. 2016 Attended along with PELS President the PELS organized IEEE Smart Village Workshop on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems for Rural Electrification at the Delft University, Netherlands
  42. 2016 Advisory Committee Member, First IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems
  43. 2016-to date Prof. Mazumder elevated to the rank of IEEE Fellow for his original contributions in power electronics
  44. 2016-to date Prof. Mazumder selected to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Power Electronics Society
  45. 2016 Technical Program Committee Chair, IEEE Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications
  46. 2016 Tutorial Chair, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  47. 2015 Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Energy System Integration Technologies
  48. 2015 Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Resilient Microgrids
  49. 2015 Working-Group Member, Reliability study of wide bandgap power devices SiC power MOSFETs, IEEE Power Electronics Society
  50. 2015 Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Green Power Electronics
  51. 2015 Member, IEEE PELS Smart Village Committee comprising Braham Ferreira (President PELS), Deepak Divan, and Dehong (Mark) Xu
  52. 2015 International Reviewer for Google and IEEE sponsored The Little Box Challengeon High density inverter
  53. 2015 Moderator for IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition (ECCE) Townhall Meeting on Advances in SiC and GaN based devices, packaging, and systems comprising Cree, GE, Infineon, GaN Systems, APEI, United Technologies
  54. 2015 Invited Presentation for International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Devices
  55. 2015, Steering Committee Member, IEEE Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems
  56. 2015 Chair, Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems, IEEE Power Electronics Society (Administrative Committee Position)
  57. 2015 Program Committee Member, Advances in Power and Energy Systems Conference
  58. 2015 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  59. 2015 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference
  60. 2015 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE American Control Conference
  61. 2015 Plenary Chair, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  62. 2015 Technical Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Dc Microgrids
  63. 2014 Guest Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on Sustainable Energy Systems Integration
  64. 2013 Guest Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Special Issue on High-Frequency-Link Power Conversion Systems
  65. 2014 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems
  66. 2014 Invited Participant, NSF hosted National Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems, Washington DC
  67. 2014 Invited Tutorial Presentation, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
  68. 2014 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  69. 2014 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  70. 2014 Served as External Referee for Promotion and Tenure cases for professors at national and international universities
  71. 2014 Invited Participant, NSF Power and Energy Education Workshop, Washington DC
  72. 2014 Chair, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Prize-Paper Awards Committee
  73. 2014 Chaired and led the effort to create for the first time the Technical Achievement Award for IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems
  74. 2014 Member, IEEE Smart Grid Committee
  75. 2013 Guest Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Special Issue on Control Strategies for Spatially Distributed Interactive Power Networks
  76. 2014 International Steering Committee Member, Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition
  77. 2014 Invited Participant, NSF hosted National Workshop on Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems, Washington DC
  78. 2013 Served as External Referee for Promotion and Tenure cases for professors at national and international universities
  79. 2013 Invited Participant, NSF hosted National Workshop on Energy Cyber-Physical Systems, Washington DC
  80. 2013 Program Subcommittee Member for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies, IEEE Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition
  81. 2013 Chaired and led the effort to create for the first time the Best Paper Award for IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems
  82. 2013 Vice Chair, IEEE PELS Technical Subcommittee on Power Semiconductor Devices, under Technical Committee of Power Conversion Systems and Components
  83. 2013 International Program Committee Member for IASTED International Symposium on Power and Energy
  84. 2013 Special Session Organizer for Network Control Systems for Interactive Power/Energy Networks, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  85. 2013 Topic Chair, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  86. 2013 Co-Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation
  87. 2013 Invited Speaker for Panel on Cyber Physical Systems, IEEE Power Systems General Meeting
  88. 2012 Session Chair, Renewable Energy Systems, IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics
  89. 2012 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  90. 2012 Technical Committee Member for Power Electronics Society and Network Control Systems Society of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  91. 2012 Session Chair on Power Electronics and on Electromechanical Systems, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  92. 2012 Invited Participant, NSF Organized Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems, Maryland
  93. 2012 Invited Speaker on Smart Grid, Inaugural Clean Energy Trust Show Case (a forum for 5 best researchers of the region to present their work and connect with investors and other leading researchers to commercialize the latest clean energy technology)
  94. 2012 Guest Editor, Advances in Power Electronics Special Issue on All Electric Ship Technology
  95. 2012 Award Committee Chair for Prize Paper Awards and Technical Achievement Award, IEEE PELS Sustainable Energy Systems Technical Committee
  96. 2012 Advisory Committee Member, India International Conference on Power Electronics
  97. 2012 Invited Speaker, NSF-sponsored US-Egypt Joint Workshop on Solar Energy Systems and Materials
  98. 2012 Technical Program Committee Track Chair on Control Systems, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, Montreal, Canada
  99. 2012 Technical Program Committee Member, International Association of Science and Technology for Development European Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES), Napoli, Italy
  100. 2012 Served as External Faculty Reference for Promotion and Tenure cases of Faculty Members at U.S. as well as International Universities
  101. 2011 Guest Editorial Board Member, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Special Issue on Power Electronics in Dc Distribution Systems
  102. 2011 Invited Book-Proposal Reviewer for CRC Press
  103. 2011 Vice Chair, IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy
  104. 2011 Session Chair on Ac/Dc Rectifier Control, Impact of Renewable Energy Systems on Utility Grid, Dc/Dc Converters for Renewable Energy Systems, Modular Multilevel Converters, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  105. 2011 Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium
  106. 2011 International Program Committee Member, International Conference on Power and Energy Systems
  107. 2010 Technical Program Committee Vice Chair on Sustainable Energy Systems, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  108. 2010 Guest Editor, Advances in Power Electronics for Renewable Energy, Special Issue, Advances in Power Electronics journal
  109. 2010 Vice Chair, IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy
  110. 2010 Part of the team writing the NSF and NITRD National Report on Research Directions for Future Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. The report is expected to gain high visibility at NIST, ONR, DOE and NSF.
  111. 2010 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  112. 2010 Session Chair on Power Electronics Control Techniques, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  113. 2010 Session Chair on Sustainable Energy Applications for Photovoltaics and Microgrid, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  114. 2010 Co-Chair, Technical Program Committee, IEEE Int. Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation
  115. 2010 International Program Committee Member, IASTED International Conference on Solar Energy
  116. 2009, 2010 International Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  117. 2009 Co-Chair, IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems
  118. 2009 Vice Chair, IEEE PELS Technical Committee on Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy
  119. 2009, 2010 Chair, Student/Industry Coordination Activities, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition
  120. 2009 Technical Program Committee Member, NSF Workshop on Cyber Physical Energy System
  121. 2009 International Program Committee Member, International Conference on Solar Energy
  122. 2009 Working Group Committee Member for IEEE P1676: Control Architecture for High Power Electronics (≥ 1 MW) used in Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Systems
  123. 2009 NSF Panel Member, IEEE Power Systems Conference and Exposition
  124. 2008 Invited Participant, NSF Workshop on Advanced Power Conditioning for Alternate Energy Systems
  125. 2008 Session Chair, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  126. 2008 Session Organizer for Robust Silicon Carbide Devices and Applied Technologies for Next-Generation Power Electronics, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  127. 2008 International Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
  128. 2008 NSF Panel Member, IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference
  129. 2008 International Program Committee Member, International Conf. on Power and Energy Systems
  130. 2008 Session Chair, IEEE Industrial Applications Society Conference
  131. 2008 Topic Chair, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
  132. 2007 Editor in Chief for Advances in Power Electronics Special Issue on Novel Devices and Applied Technology for Power Electronics
  133. 2007 Program Committee Member, Electro/Information Technology Conference
  134. 2007 Invited Tutorial Presentation, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
  135. 2007 Session Chair, Electro/Information Technology Conference
  136. 2007 Tutorial Co-Chair, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
  137. 2007 Session Chair, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
  138. 2006-to date Adjunct/Visiting Faculty, Center for Uncertain Systems, VRI
  139. 2006 Session Chair, IEEE International Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems Conference
  140. 2005 International Steering Committee Member for IEEE International Conf. on Industrial Electronics Technology
  141. 2004 IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Administrative Committee Member
  142. 2003 Special Session Organizer on Fuel Cell Power Systems, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference
  143. 2002-2007 International Steering Committee Member, IEEE International Power Electronics Congress
  144. 2002, 2004 Session Chair, IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference
  145. 2002, 2003 Session Organizer for Motor Drives, IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference
  146. 2002 Session Chair, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference
  147. 2001-2003 Session Chair, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
  148. 2001-to date Reviewer for numerous IEEE and other Tier-one Peer Reviewed International Journals and Conferences